unote 書けば書くほどに


string whereUp;
string sql_upCase;

public void Main()
Console.WriteLine("--- STRAT ---\r\n" + DateTime.Now + "\r\n");

Program pg = new Program();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

pg.A_TableMarge(); //MARGE実行
pg.A_TableUpdate(); //UPDATE実行

Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "\r\n\"--- END ---\r\n");

public void TableDistinct_ALL()
repTN = "DEPT_BK R";
xbbTN = "DEPT X";

foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
Console.WriteLine("■列名:" + dc.ColumnName);

strSQL_DIST = "select distinct " + dc.ColumnName + " from " + repTN;
strSql = strSQL_DIST;
//DBA_non_dt(strSQL); //SQL実行
dt = DBA(strSql); //SQL実行

Console.WriteLine(dc.ColumnName + ":" + dt.Rows.Count + "件が一意のデータ\r\n");


public void TableDistinct_Parts()
repTN = "DEPT_BK R";
xbbTN = "DEPT X";

strSQL_DIST = "select distinct " + "DEPTNO,DNAME,LOC,KOUSHINBI" + " from " + repTN;
strSql = strSQL_DIST;
dt = DBA(strSql); //SQL実行

Console.WriteLine(dc.ColumnName + ":" + dt.Rows.Count + "件が一意のデータ\r\n");


public void A_TableMarge()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

repTN = "DEPT_BK R";
xbbTN = "DEPT X";

col1 = "DEPTNO";
col2 = "DNAME";
col3 = "REGISTEDDT";

whereON =
" and R." + col1 + " = X." + col1 +
" and R." + col2 + " = X." + col2 +
" and R." + col3 + " = X." + col3;

foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
strSQL_MRG =
"merge into " + repTN +//strign dbkTN
" using " + xbbTN +//dTN
" on (" + whereON + ")" + //sql_ON
" when matched then update set " +
"R." + dc.ColumnName + " = X." + dc.ColumnName;// //sql_UPSET = DBK.dc.ColumnName + D.dc.ColumnName

strSql = strSQL_MRG;
dt = DBA(strSQL);

public void A_TableUpdate()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

repTN = "DEPT_BK R";
xbbTN = "DEPT X";

col1 = "DEPTNO";
col2 = "DNAME";
col3 = "REGISTEDDT";

whereUp =
" and R." + col1 + " = X." + col1 +
" and R." + col2 + " = X." + col2 +
" and R." + col3 + " = X." + col3;

foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
//string sql_upWhere = " where " + whereUp;
//string sql_upExis = "where exists (select * from " + xbbTN + " where " + whereUp;
sql_upCase =
"case when R.UPDATEEDDT < (select D.UPDATEEDDT from " + xbbTN + " where " + whereUp + ")" +
"then (select D." + dc.ColumnName + " from " + xbbTN + " where " + whereUp + ") END " +
"where exists (select * from " + xbbTN + " where " + whereUp;

strSQL_UP = "update " + repTN + " set R." + dc.ColumnName + " = " + sql_upCase;

strSql = strSQL_UP;
dt = DBA(strSql);